Adventure Spec Ltd, Greg Villalobos If it's waterproof it's also windproof. Hi! This makes total sense when you think about it. But not many people do. If you want to stay protected from the rain, you wear WATERproof gear. If you want to stay protected from the wind, you wear... Adventure Spec Aqua Pac Clothing Gravel Jacket Mongolia Pant Singletrack
Adventure Spec Ltd, Greg Villalobos The water in the pocket conundrum Hi! In this email you will learn about a limitation of our waterproof jackets, and potentially rethink where you stash your phone. Our Singletrack and Aqua Pac jackets are constructed from a three lay... Adventure Spec Aqua Pac Clothing Clothing care Gravel Pant Singletrack
Maria O' Grady Aqua Pac Jacket Hi! In this blog I am going to... Tell you a short story about riding in the rain. Give you some sneaky tips about how to stay dry. Ask a favour. This month we launched the new Singletrack Pant . It h... Adventure Spec Aqua Pac Clothing Jacket
Maria O' Grady The Aqua Pac. Nobody talks about this. Hi! This picture was shot on the last day of a trip up to Scotland. Noel is packing away his gear in glorious sunshine. He normally takes great pride in being the first away, so I took some mild sadis... Adventure Spec Aqua Pac Clothing Jacket Supershirt
Maria O' Grady Wet-Weather-Gear-Maintenance Hi! Over the years my kit wardrobe has filled up somewhat. As you might expect, a lot of it is in the lightweight waterproof category. But I have a confession. I am a little lazy in my wet-weather-gea... Adventure Spec Aqua Pac Clothing Clothing care Gravel Singletrack
Maria O' Grady The Jacket For Fat Rain Hi I remember taking this photo. Wil had ridden up to Scotland on his tricked out KTM 690. I was on my 450EXC. We had spent the day enjoying the tight twisty roads and trails of the borders, avoiding ... Adventure Spec Aqua Pac Jacket Linesman
Adventure Spec Ltd, Greg Villalobos Raining cats and dogs - The Aqua Pac Jacket Hi! This is Davy on the last day of our TET Spain trip. My bike (450EXC) was having clutch issues and we were in the middle of a frantic 150 mile dash back to get back to the ferry on time. I wasn’t s... Adventure Spec Adventure Story Aqua Pac Clothing Jacket
Adventure Spec Ltd, Greg Villalobos How does Adventure Spec sizing work? Hi! Just a quick one to let you know about a short film that explains how our Adventure Spec sizing works. We use a layering system for our clothing, and while this really is the best approach to comf... Adventure Spec Aqua Pac Atacama Baltic Casual Clothing Core Gloves Jacket Jersey Linesman Pant Singletrack Sizing Supershirt
Adventure Spec Ltd, Greg Villalobos The Mongolia and Aqua Pac Jackets in action on the TET I totally get the layering concept for outdoor activities, it makes complete sense. I have some lovely clothes for when my wife insists I partake in something dull called ‘rambling’. A good few years ... Adventure Spec Aqua Pac Clothing Jacket Mongolia Trans Euro Trail