Why can't we ship to Canada?

Sorry, we know it's frustrating.

If you are reading this then the chances are you are in Canada and have just sent us a Helpdesk Ticket asking why you can’t complete your order with us. 

Firstly, sorry, we know it’s frustrating. 

Right now we can’t fix your problem, but we can explain why it’s happening. 

Adventure Spec ships from our UK, EU and USA warehouses. 

In the past we served our Canadian customers via our USA warehouse in Colorado. 

However, the shipping carriers that we have available to us are limited, and recently changes beyond our control have resulted in a large increase in handling fees that have made shipping to Canada financially unviable. 

If we were to continue using the services we have access to the result would be a HUGE handling fee to our Canadian customers. 

We know that this is frustrating and we are working to resolve the issue, however it is going to take some time for us to put new measures in place which are unlikely to happen in 2023. 

We want to sell you our gear, but right now we can’t. 

We’re working on it. 

As soon as we have a solution we will let you know via our newsletter. 

Thanks for taking time to read this explanation. 

Matt crashed in The Supershirt
Here's the email he sent us